Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Rocks!!

I've got to say that summer is awesome (even if it's not officially it yet). My mom has been here the whole week so far since she doesn't have school for a while so I get to spend more time with her which is awesome!! It's also not as wet (though it does still rain at times) and so I get to be able to roam outside more often. Mom though is still as immersed in her books though she is playing a lot with the annoying little kids. Anyway, I found out something which makes it much easier for me to type here: My mom knows about this blog and actually uses the same account for her blog, Life of a Teenage Bookie. I know, it's such a lame name but she loves it. I looked at it once and it was terribly boring for me. Most of what she discussed was about books, fanfiction, and some things about abortion and her religion. Her Twilight obsession also shows up way too much from one very long post about Twilight and her Team Seth preference and the fact that her profile has "Team Jacob" down the sides of it and big paw prints. I thought she loved me. *sniffs* Okay, so I am just trying to get your sympathy but it's true!! Okay, maybe I'm stretching the truth a LITTLE. Just a little bit, that's all. Really. Okay, onto another topic. I now cannot bask in the sun in the middle of the driveway because mom and the little girls keep on riding their bikes up and down it so I have to move so I don't get hit by those evil black and white wheels. That's so not cool. I mean, a cat can't even bask without risk of getting run over! Okay, now I'm done. Night everyone!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yes I, a wonderful cat, am yawning. Why you may ask? Because it's 1:15 in the morning of a school day and mom is still awake typing away and reading fanfiction. Yup. I had to get on a different computer to do this, and I'm barely keeping my eyes open and I'm meant to be awake during the night! I think mom is part owl, she stays up so late constantly. *Yawn* Well, I'm at least going to sleep. Hopefully mom does too soon because I really don't want to face her grumpy wrath in the morning (she's always in a rotten mood). Goodnight!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Hahahahahah! I finally got onto this computer again. After dealing with yet more hugs from little kids I have enough time to type here quickly. I was bugging my mom earlier when she was reading too much fanfiction again. She was soft to curl up on. Luckily today I was mostly able to stay outside as it was warm and sunny all day long. I heard that my mom's going to make a blog on here though, so I'm scared that I won't get any time to write. :( I found out that she's looking for a car though, which is cool. But seriously, craigslist? Isn't that the site that people use scams? Oh well. I don't need a car. Those things scare me. I was in one only three times and hopefully those are the only times. I better stop now before mom catches me- she had only gone to the bathroom quickly and I just heard the toilet flush! Bye now!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little Children Aren't So Bad... When They're Sick

Mom being absorbed in fan fiction does have its perks. She’s on the other computer right now and hasn’t even looked up once to see me merrily typing over here. And I discovered that little children are very enjoyable to be around… as long as some of them are sick. The eight year old and two year old are sick right now, and the only annoying one so far today is the five year old. My mom did save me from pain later on when she taught her how to hold me right. I’m also very happy because today is a rare sunny day! And it’s warm on top of it- in the 70’s. The dog, Skipper, hasn’t bothered me yet today so I am a free cat, able to do what I want when I want without annoying girls chasing me down! Now I’m going to stop typing and go outside and enjoy the fresh air, clear skies, and sunshine. :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Little Children Are ANNOYING!

Sorry about the caps. I haven't had any time recently to do this (mom is on the computer all the time when she's here and she's on of all things!! She could be paying attention to me but she's too busy typing.) so I haven't updated in a long while. I am a young adult as of the end of February. As I have already mentioned my mom Kathleen is constantly doing fan fiction. She always keeps on reading stuff under the category "Twilight" (not that I know what that means) and is also typing constantly (I think it's also relating to this fan fiction thing). She's not home much either which is where my other problem emerges: Little kids. I HATE it when they try to say that I "want" to be picked up and they hold me right around my stomach! It hurts! They're also here constantly and taking up more of my mom's precious time. The reason why they're here is because mom's aunt and uncle are trying to sell their house, but they can't keep it in top showing condition with FOUR little kids running around! And by little kids I mean little. They are: an almost 8 year old girl that thinks it's great to pick me up every five seconds; a five year old girl that follows mom EVERYWHERE; an almost two year old girl that chases me everywhere and likes to tug on my tail; and a little 7 or 8 month old boy that is just fine as he doesn't bother me at all. They all live in the basement and make LOTS of noise! Them and their gray parrot that constantly mimics everything from the phone ringing to their annoying voices. The only good thing it can do is bawk like the chicken it is. I can't even get to it and try to eat it as it is in an annoying cage. Typing at 12:30 in the morning ensures the cover of darkness and peace and quiet (except for some croaking frog outside). And mom wonders why I try to sleep during the day and try to keep her up during the night. Oh no- she's stirring! I've got to log out ASAP before she discovers my blog!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Yes! I have found the stupid password for this thing! My mom Kathleen is busy on another computer, so I'm going to take my time writing this (she takes forever!) I am almost a year old!! My birthday's on the 27th. :) My mom says I look beautiful, and I'm still the energetic kitty I was 8 months ago. I don't like being called a kitten though. I'm going to hurry up and find some blogs mom was looking at before she discovers me- she's not supposed to know that I know how to type!