Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little Children Aren't So Bad... When They're Sick

Mom being absorbed in fan fiction does have its perks. She’s on the other computer right now and hasn’t even looked up once to see me merrily typing over here. And I discovered that little children are very enjoyable to be around… as long as some of them are sick. The eight year old and two year old are sick right now, and the only annoying one so far today is the five year old. My mom did save me from pain later on when she taught her how to hold me right. I’m also very happy because today is a rare sunny day! And it’s warm on top of it- in the 70’s. The dog, Skipper, hasn’t bothered me yet today so I am a free cat, able to do what I want when I want without annoying girls chasing me down! Now I’m going to stop typing and go outside and enjoy the fresh air, clear skies, and sunshine. :)

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